Stage 3: Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule

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Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule

The Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule sets out proposals for the implementation of CIL in Caerphilly county borough.

Consultation on the Council's Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule was held from 1 October 2012 to 28 November 2012.

In total, 59 representations were received on the Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule. A Report of Consultation was prepared setting out the representations, the council's response to them and the recommendation on which action has been taken in respect of them.

A copy of the Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule and its associated Report of Consultation can be downloaded below:

Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule and Draft Infrastructure List (PDF 481KB)

Infrastructure Assessment Report (PDF 6MB)

Study into the economic viability of charging community infrastructure levy in Caerphilly, Merthyr & Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Councils (PDF 8.5MB)

Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule Report of Consultation (PDF 809KB)

The report of consultation was used as a background document for the next stage of the CIL process- The Draft Charging Schedule.