CIL - management groups

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Three management groups and a development panel have been established to assist in the preparation of the CIL Charging Schedule. These are the CIL Steering Group, the CIL Working Group, the Valuation and Viability Working Group and the Development Panel. The groups will meet as and when required to feed into the CIL preparation process.

The purpose of each of these is outlined below:

CIL Steering Group

The CIL Steering Group is an internal group of the council that has responsibility for overseeing all of the stages involved in the preparation of the CIL Charging Schedule. The Group will review output from the CIL Working Group at key stages, making recommendations to council, and will oversee the CIL preparation process to ensure it is prepared in accordance with the approved Delivery Agreement.

The CIL Steering Group consists of a small group of officers and elected members, that will meet at key stages of the CIL Charging Schedule preparation process.

CIL Steering Group Terms of Reference (PDF 33kb)

CIL Working Group

The Working Group is a group comprising of professional officers, designed to facilitate the preparation of the CIL Schedule, through providing information and collective consideration of that information. The Group will be responsible for preparing the initial CIL documents for consideration by the Steering Group, including deciding what should and what should not be included in the CIL.

CIL Working Group Terms of Reference (PDF 36kb)

Valuation and Viability Group

This group will oversee the development of the methodology and the modelling for the valuation/viability input into the CIL preparation. The Valuation and Viability Group has a specific role to play in the preparation of the CIL, namely overseeing the development of a methodology for considering site viability and the modelling of this methodology for all relevant landuses. As such the group will require very specific areas of knowledge and expertise and so the mandate for the group will be very restrictive. The members of the group will need to:

  • Be able to provide expert input on planning and/or valuation/viability matters.
  • Be able and willing to make decisions and recommendations in respect of valuation and viability matters to the Working Group
  • Be able and willing to take responsibility for commissioning and overseeing external consultancy input into the process.

Valuation and Viability Group Terms of Reference (PDF 24kb)

The Development Panel

The Developer Panel will consist of no more than 30 members, comprising of both developers and landowners. The panel will contain a range of representatives specific to each chargeable land use identified and will be able to comment on the evidence and viability findings, providing constructive input into the Charging Schedule preparation process.